Does not alter your current system.
Most SaaS applications aren't perfect, and vendors are reluctant to customize their product after your needs. Sometimes it gets so bad that you consider switching to a different vendor. Unfortunately, that can take years and costs millions, only to end up with different problems. Instead of ripping out your system root and stem, consider fixing the imperfections with RPA bots. It's lower cost and risk and can be done in a shorter timeline.
Because traditional technology options all involve considerable risk, cost, and time, many organizations have resorted to manpower to fix the imperfections of their current systems. The opportunity is to use digital labor instead.
On the other hand, adopting RPA means you can keep what works and fix what doesn't. It allows you to operate the underlying software platform using software bots, including processes for workarounds for imperfections or lack of third-party integrations.
With RPA, software transcends mere digital tools into digital labor and is a powerful meta-software to connect different software components and to drive repetitive processes.
Benefits of RPA
Does not alter your current system.
Maintains your workflow understanding.
Facilitates low-risk implementation.
Allows employees to do more meaningful and creative work.
Scales up and down as needed.
Runs processes outside of standard work hours.